Recent data has shed light on the limited number of degree programs in Spain that enable graduates to earn 1,500 euros or more per month. Furthermore, Spanish graduates face greater challenges in entering the job market compared to their European counterparts.
Eurostat data reveals that three out of four Spanish graduates secure employment within three years of completing university. However, only 10 degree programs in Spain provide graduates with salaries of 1,500 euros or above.
The latest study also highlights the complexities of transitioning from university to the job market in Spain, which differs from other European countries. While the EU average for recent graduates finding employment stands at 84.9 percent, Spain lags behind with just 76.8 percent. This figure pales in comparison to countries like the Netherlands with 95.2 percent, Germany with 93.8 percent, and France with 83.7 percent. In fact, among the 27 EU member states, only Italy and Greece have lower employment rates than Spain, with averages of 67.5 percent and 63.5 percent, respectively.
High-paying degree programs are scarce in Spain, as revealed by a joint study conducted by the Valencian Institute of Economic Research and the BBVA Foundation. Only a select few degree programs guarantee graduates a monthly salary equal to or exceeding 1,500 euros upon graduation. The study indicates that just 54.3 percent of employed graduates in Spain earn such salaries.
The study identifies computer and informatics subjects as having the highest employment rates, with an average of 96.3 percent of graduates finding jobs, of which 79.7 percent earn 1,500 euros or more. Furthermore, 89 percent of these graduates secure positions related to their field of study.
Engineering, industry, and construction fields follow closely, with 92 percent of graduates employed and 72.9 percent earning 1,500 euros or more per month. Similarly, graduates in medicine, health, and social studies boast high employment rates of 92.1 percent, though only 60.6 percent reach the income threshold.
Within the field of engineering, Aeronautics, Industrial Technology, Telecommunications, and Electrical and Energy Engineering show particularly strong performance in the job market. Education graduates demonstrate an employment rate of 82.8 percent, with 50.5 percent earning 1,500 euros per month. Business, administration, and law graduates also fare well, with an 84 percent employment rate and 52.7 percent surpassing the 1,500 euros threshold.
On the other hand, the study reveals degree subjects with lower employability prospects and lower wages for recent graduates. While 88.6 percent of agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries, and veterinary medicine graduates find employment shortly after graduation, only 48.1 percent earn over 1,500 euros per month. Similarly, students in service-based degrees fare relatively well in terms of employment (84.4 percent), but only 37.9 percent reach the income threshold. Arts and humanities degrees perform the poorest in the study, with an overall employment rate of 77.1 percent and only 36.4 percent earning 1,500 euros or more per month.
Among these degrees, Archaeology, Art History, Fine Arts, Occupational Therapy, Geography, and History exhibit the lowest salaries.
Within the broader Arts and Humanities field, over 60 percent of recent graduates fail to earn a monthly salary of 1,500 euros. In specific cases like Archaeology or Occupational Therapy, only one in ten graduates achieve this income threshold.
The study also highlights regional disparities in youth and graduate unemployment rates. In 2022, recent graduates between the ages of 22 and 26 faced the highest unemployment rates in Extremadura (29 percent), followed by Asturias (28.3 percent) and Andalusia (27 percent).
Updated: January 22, 2024 CET