A groundbreaking study has delved into the fascinating world of centenarians, shedding light on what sets these remarkable individuals apart.
Conducted for the first time, this research examines blood biomarkers at earlier stages of life in people who ultimately become centenarians, comparing them to those who do not. The findings open doors to a deeper understanding of ageing and longevity.
Centenarians' Unique Biomarkers
The study, published in GeroScience, analysed data from over 44,000 Swedes participating in the population-based AMORIS (Apolipoprotein MOrtality RISk) cohort. Researchers measured 12 blood biomarkers between 1985 and 1996 and tracked these participants until 2020.
Notably, centenarians displayed distinctive values in nearly all the biomarkers, except for alanine aminotransferase and albumin. The differences were small but intriguing.
Biomarkers that Matter
The study examined a range of biomarkers, including total cholesterol, glucose, liver function indicators, kidney markers, and markers related to nutrition. The results revealed that centenarians consistently had lower levels of glucose, creatinine, and uric acid.
Metabolic Profiles at Age 65
A remarkable finding was that those destined to become centenarians had established a unique metabolic profile by the age of 65, a full 35 years before reaching the century mark.
Exploring the Significance of Biomarkers
The differences in creatinine, glucose, and uric acid levels point to possible lifestyle factors influencing the longevity of centenarians. Higher renal function and lower glucose levels suggest a healthier lifestyle and diet.
The Role of Nutrition
Nutrition biomarkers, such as iron, TIBC, and albumin, may be less indicative of nutritional status due to potential influences from inflammation or chronic illness. These biomarkers do not necessarily reflect malnutrition but can vary during illness.
Balancing Act
Interestingly, individuals with more extreme metabolic profiles and blood readings were less likely to reach 100. This includes those with the lowest total cholesterol and iron levels, as well as those with the highest glucose, creatinine, uric acid, and liver-function biomarkers.
Two Types of Centenarians
While centenarians shared similar biomarker profiles, researchers identified two clusters among them. The two groups were categorised based on biomarkers related to nutrition, suggesting potential differences in caloric restriction and dietary choices.
The Metabolic Sweet Spot
Centenarians typically displayed more moderate biomarker values throughout their lives, steering clear of extreme values. This balance, which may be influenced by lifestyle and genetics, could contribute to their exceptional longevity.
The Bigger Picture
The early establishment of these biomarker profiles in centenarians hints that genetics alone may not explain their long lives. Factors such as lifestyle and diet might play a significant role in reaching the age of 100 and beyond.
As researchers continue to unravel the secrets of centenarians, it becomes increasingly evident that lifestyle, genetics, and biomarkers may all contribute to the remarkable feat of living past 100.
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