Healthplan Spain


Can I Bring My Parents To Live In Spain With Me? Expat Tips

Spain's culture and lifestyle is not only inviting but also inclusive, offering the opportunity to bring your parents to the country and share all that it has to offer. In this article we aim to guide you through the routes that are available for you to make this happen.

So whether you are a Spanish citizen, an EU dweller, or an overseas resident, we break down the options and requirements, ensuring you are well-equipped to embark on this heartfelt journey of togetherness.

If you hold a residence permit in Spain, you have the opportunity to bring your parents to the country. This process is made relatively straightforward due to the four available options, each with its own prerequisites and application procedures. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these options based on two primary factors: the nationality of the descendant (son or daughter) and the type of residence permit they possess.

The descendant's nationality, whether Spanish, EU, or non-EU, as well as their type of residence permit, particularly if it falls under the Entrepreneur's Law, significantly influence the choice of route. These factors dictate various criteria such as the age of the parents, necessity for medical insurance, and financial means requirement. Consequently, selecting the appropriate option becomes crucial, as certain routes offer more favourable conditions than others.

Option 1: Bringing Non-European Parents to Spain

For a foreign national (non-EU citizen) living in Spain, the family reunification process serves as the common method to bring their parents to the country. In this scenario, the descendant (son or daughter) initiates the application.

To successfully pursue this route, the son or daughter bringing their parents must possess a long-term residence card that is valid for 5 years. It's important to note that temporary cards (1 or 2 years) are inadequate for this procedure.

Additionally, the following requirements must be met:

  • Parents need to be at least 65 years old to qualify.
  • Adequate and suitable housing is necessary for the parents' living conditions.
  • Private medical insurance with full coverage within Spain is obligatory.
  • Dependency on the descendant residing in Spain must be demonstrated through remittances to the country of origin.
  • Stable employment or sufficient financial resources must be proven by the child.

Option 2: Bringing Parents as a Spanish Citizen

Spanish citizens wishing to bring their foreign parents to Spain, the process has been simplified through the introduction of family arraigo after the immigration law reform. This entails more lenient requirements compared to the general immigration regime.

Key points include:

  • No proof of financial means or medical insurance for the parents is necessary.
  • A 5-year residence permit, enabling the parents to work, is granted.
  • If the parents are above 65, dependency is not required (unlike if they are under 65).
  • The parent initiates the application directly from Spain.
  • Parents of foreign citizens married to or recognised as domestic partners of Spanish citizens are also eligible.

Option 3: Bringing Parents as an EU Citizen

If an EU citizen residing in Spain wishes to bring their parents to the country, they will be following the EU regime. The parents will receive an EU family member card that is valid for 5 years. The applicant (parent) initiates the application in Spain.

Requirements for this option are slightly more intricate:

  • Dependency, regardless of age, needs to be proven, indicating an economic or physical reliance.
  • Private medical insurance is a necessity.
  • Adequate financial means of the EU citizen descendant must be demonstrated.

Option 4: Bringing Parents under the Entrepreneurs Law

In cases where a foreigner in Spain does not hold Spanish or EU citizenship but possesses a residence permit under the Entrepreneurs Law, such as an entrepreneur visa or a highly qualified worker permit, the Entrepreneurs Law applies (instead of the EU regime or the general foreigner’s regime), something that entails important differences.

Key features include:

  • The Large Business Unit in Spain manages the application process.
  • If the foreign parent is not in Spain, the descendant initiates the application. If the foreign parent is present in Spain, they can initiate the application themselves as a relative of a cardholder under Law 14/2013.

In conclusion, the process of bringing parents to Spain involves distinct routes depending on various factors. These options offer varying requirements and benefits, ensuring a tailored approach to families reuniting under different circumstances.