Healthplan Spain


Filing income tax Spanish Income Tax: Key Dates Announced With Returns Starting On April 6 Expat Tips

Sorry to say, but it's that time again.

The time of year when those living in Spain have to file their annual income tax returns, commonly referred to as IRPF (Impuesto Sobre la Renta de Las Personas Físicas)

Spain’s tax authorities, (Agencia Tributaria) have now published the official tax filing dates when people are able to start submitting their income and wealth taxes for 2021.

How can I file my taxes?

Last year there were more than 21 million tax returns filed with 92% of those submitted online.

You can currently submit your returns via the following methods.

  • Online - This is the most popular method. To file your returns online visit the Renta Web site. You can also use the mobile app. See the filing period dates below.
  • By Phone - You can also submit your returns over the phone. See dates to do this below.
  • In-Person - Alternatively, you can also visit one of the many local tax offices to file your taxes in person. See dates below.

When can you file your return for 2021?

Spain’s tax year corresponds to the calendar year and therefore runs from January 1 to December 31.

As a rule, residents have until the end of June the following year to submit their returns for the previous year or receive a financial penalty.

There are a number of ways of submitting your return and each has a different corresponding date.

The key dates in 2022 that have now been announced for the 2021 returns are:-

  • April 6 - June 30, 2022: This is the date or window that you have to file your returns online. This includes your income tax (IRPF) and wealth tax for 2021/22.
  • May 3, 2022: The date you may start to book an appointment to file your returns via telephone. (See below)
  • May 5 - June 30, 2022: This is the date which can start to file your tax return by phone. To do this you must request an appointment to do this from May 3.
  • May 6, 2022: This is the data that you can start to make appointments to file your return in person. (See below)
  • June 1 - June 30: This is the date at which you may visit the tax offices to submit your returns in person.
  • June 27, 2022: This is the deadline for submitting returns online if the tax is due to be paid by direct debit.
  • June 29, 2022: This is the final day on which a person may do their return by phone or in person at the tax office.
  • June 30, 2022: The deadline for all tax filings for the year 2021. This applies to all methods including by phone, in-person and online.

What are the main changes this year?

Those earning between 200,000 and 300,000 euros will see a rise in the amount of tax they pay up by between two and three percentage points.

There will be deductions for those with individual private pension plans, which will be reduced to a maximum of 2,000 euros. Company pension plans will have their limit raised to 8,000 euros. The maximum reduction will be limited in both cases to 10,000 euros.

The wealth tax for those with assets greater than 10 million euros will be increased by 1% up to a rate of 3.5%.

Cryptocurrencies will also begin to come under the radar with the tax authorities keeping an eye on transactions from this year. Since July 2021, it is mandatory to report on these assets if more than 1,000 euros in income is received.
