Healthplan Spain


Driving a car How To Change Your Address With Spain’s DGT Traffic Authority Expat Tips

Moving to a new address brings about a myriad of tasks to accomplish, but amidst the chaos, there's one crucial detail that often goes overlooked - the need to change your address details with Spain's traffic authority, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).

Failure to do so within the stipulated time frame can result in unforeseen fines and missed payment deadlines. In this article, we will explore the importance of notifying the DGT about your change of address and provide you with valuable insights into the simple procedures available to ensure compliance.

Under Article 10 of the General Regulations of Drivers, it is explicitly stated that any change in the data contained in your driving permit or licence, including your address, must be promptly communicated to the Provincial Traffic Headquarters within 15 days from the date of the change. Neglecting this obligation could lead to penalties of up to 100 euros, underscoring the significance of adhering to this requirement.

When preparing for a move, it's essential to consider not only the logistics of your physical relocation but also the administrative aspects involving your vehicles. By promptly notifying the DGT of your new address, you enable them to maintain accurate records and ensure that any vital notifications reach you on time.

Fortunately, updating your address details with the DGT is a relatively straightforward process, offering you multiple avenues to fulfil your obligation. In the following sections, we will guide you through the various methods available, empowering you to navigate this essential administrative task seamlessly.

Read on and discover the steps and options at your disposal for notifying the DGT about your change of address within the required timeframe. By doing so, you can avoid any potential fines and maintain a hassle-free relationship with Spain's traffic authority during this transitional period.

You must change both your notification address and your vehicle’s fiscal address

Whenever you move home, you will need to change:-

  • Your notifications address - This is the address that the DGT will send any official correspondence including notifying you of any fines.
  • The vehicle's fiscal address - This is the address that is used for road tax or IVTM as it is known in Spain.

How to change your notification address with the DGT

Changing your address with the DGT is a relatively simple process with three different options for you to do so.

The three options are:-

  • Online via the internet
  • At one of the provincial DGT administration offices
  • At your local town hall (This may not be possible with all town halls. See further below.)

Let’s take a look at each option.

Online via the internet

To update your address details with the DGT, you can utilise the electronic registry via the internet. To access this service, you will need the electronic DNI, digital certificate, cl@ve pin, or permanent cl@ve.

Once you submit the address change, the DGT typically takes around one week to process the request and make the updated information effective.

At one of the DGT offices

You can also change your address at one of the provincial DGT offices. To do so you will need to make an appointment first.

At your local town hall

Finally, the DGT has what it refers to as its ‘Collaborating town halls’.

Go to the DGT’s page here. If your town hall is on the list, you will be able to change both the notification address and the fiscal domicile address of the vehicle directly with them.

How to change your fiscal domicile address with the DGT

The Circulation Tax, also known as IVTM (Impuesto sobre Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica), is an obligatory tax imposed on all motor vehicles to enable their circulation on public roads across the country. Here are its key characteristics:

  • Payment is made in the municipality where the vehicle is registered with its fiscal address on January 1 of the current year.
  • The fiscal address of the vehicle must align with the municipality where the vehicle owner is registered.
  • The tax amount may vary in each municipality, and exceptions may be established, such as reduced rates based on the vehicle's age.
  • The owner of the vehicle is responsible for paying the road tax.

Therefore, if you have changed municipalities, it is crucial to promptly request a change of fiscal address for your vehicles within 15 days. This ensures they are appropriately registered in your new municipality.

By adhering to the necessary procedures and promptly updating your vehicle's fiscal domicile address, you can ensure compliance with the Circulation Tax regulations in your new municipality.

To find out where your vehicle is currently registered in terms of its tax domicile, you can check the miDGT app or the DGT’s electronic office online.

As in the first option, you can change the fiscal domicile address of the vehicle via the electronic office, by calling 060 or by visiting your local town hall if it is on this list of collaborating town halls.

You can find the official DGT page on changing the fiscal domicile of a vehicle here.

Which documents will I need to provide

To validate the change of address, you have various options for providing the necessary documentation. Acceptable proofs include the DNI (National Identity Document), certificate of registration, census card, or any document that verifies your new address.

If the address is within the same municipality, presenting a utility bill for water, electricity, gas, or similar documents would suffice. Alternatively, you have the option to authorise the DGT to verify your residence in the padrón, eliminating the need for additional documentation in this regard.

How much does it cost to update your address?

There is no cost to change your address details with the DGT.

However, if you are relocating your vehicle from the Canary Islands, Ceuta, or Melilla to the Peninsula or the Balearic Islands, it is necessary to visit one of the DGT offices in person. This is because a prior annotation of the vehicle importation needs to be made, and there is a procedure cost of €8.67 associated with it.

Furthermore, it is essential to present the document confirming that the vehicle has undergone customs clearance. Failure to provide this document will result in notification to the Customs Department. Therefore, we strongly recommend completing the procedure in person to ensure all necessary documentation is provided.