Healthplan Spain


Green Living In Spain: Sustainable Practices For Expats Expat Tips

Living a sustainable lifestyle is not only beneficial for the environment but also enhances the quality of life. For expats moving to Spain, embracing green living practices can contribute to a healthier planet while immersing themselves in the local culture.

In this article, we will explore various sustainable practices for expats in Spain, including recycling and waste management, energy efficiency, sustainable transportation, locally sourced and organic food, water conservation, eco-tourism, and community initiatives. By adopting these practices, expats can make a positive impact on the environment and foster a sustainable lifestyle in their new home.

Recycling and Waste Management

One of the fundamental pillars of green living is effective recycling and waste management.

In Spain, 56.7 percent of waste is dumped in landfills, while 43.3 percent is recycled or reused. Spain is however below the average of the European Union, with an average of 52 percent being recycled or reused, 8.7 percent higher than in Spain.

Despite these statistics, Spain has made significant progress in the area of recycling and waste management, and expats can actively participate in these efforts.

Familiarise yourself with the local recycling guidelines and separate recyclable materials, such as paper, plastics, glass, and metals. Many cities in Spain provide recycling bins “tacho de reciclaje” and collection points, making it convenient to dispose of waste responsibly.

Additionally, consider reducing waste by opting for reusable shopping bags, using refillable water bottles, and avoiding single-use plastics. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can contribute to the improvement of recycling rates in Spain and promote a more sustainable future.

Here is a brief breakdown as to what items go into each recycle bin.

Blue: Paper and cardboard (Papel y Cartón)

Green dome: Glass bottles and jars in all shapes, colours and sizes. It's best to recycle glass jars without their lids.

Yellow: Plastic water and soft drink bottles, plastic cleaning product bottles (Envases de plastico).

Metal containers such as tins/cans (Envases de metálicos), plus metal or plastic lids/caps.
Tetra pak/Bricks such as juice cartons, yoghurt containers.

Plastic bags (Bolsas de plastico)

Brown: Organic waste, like coffee grounds, eggshells, corks, used napkins and pizza boxes with stains.

Grey: All other waste, like nappies/diapers, ceramic shards and hygienic wipes.

Energy Consumption

Reducing energy consumption and promoting energy efficiency are crucial components of green living. In Spain, 2023 is expected to be a key year for the green transition, as renewable energy could reach 50 percent of the annual electricity generation, according to Red Eléctrica's estimates.

Expats can actively contribute to this green transition by adopting energy-efficient practices in their homes. Investing in energy-saving appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners, can significantly reduce energy consumption. Additionally, opting for LED or CFL light bulbs instead of traditional incandescent bulbs can provide substantial energy savings in lighting.


Practicing energy-conscious habits, such as turning off lights and electrical devices when not in use, can further contribute to energy efficiency. Taking advantage of natural light and ventilation by opening windows and using blinds or curtains effectively can reduce the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning.

Moreover, Spain's abundant sunshine makes it an ideal location for harnessing solar energy. Consider installing solar panels on your property to generate clean and renewable energy. Solar power systems can not only reduce your reliance on conventional electricity sources but also contribute to the overall green energy production in the country.

By adopting these energy-efficient practices and embracing solar energy, expats in Spain can play an active role in reducing their carbon footprint and supporting the country's transition to a greener and more sustainable future.

Find out more about how to save money on your electricity bill.

Locally Sourced and Organic Food

Supporting local farmers and choosing organic food promotes sustainable agriculture and reduces the environmental impact of food production. When it comes to your diet, exploring local markets, known as "mercados," is a wonderful way to find fresh and locally sourced produce. These markets offer a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and other culinary delights, often grown by nearby farmers. Look for organic certifications when purchasing food items to ensure they are grown without harmful chemicals or pesticides, supporting both your health and the environment.

Additionally, incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet can have a significant positive impact on the environment. Meat production is resource-intensive and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing the consumption of meat and opting for plant-based alternatives, you can lower your carbon footprint and support sustainable food systems.

Explore the rich culinary traditions of Spain, which offer delicious vegetarian and vegan options that showcase the country's diverse flavours and ingredients.

By embracing energy efficiency and sustainable food choices, expats in Spain can actively contribute to the green transition and create a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Together, these efforts not only benefit the planet but also promote healthier and more sustainable communities.

Water Conservation

Living in Spain, with its warm climate and occasional water scarcity, calls for a heightened awareness of water conservation. Conserving water is not only essential for sustainable living but also helps to preserve this valuable resource for future generations. By adopting water-saving practices, expats can make a significant impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

One of the simplest ways to conserve water is by being mindful of your daily water usage. Taking shorter showers can significantly reduce water consumption. Consider using a timer or setting a goal to limit your shower time. Additionally, fixing leaks promptly is crucial as even a small drip can waste a significant amount of water over time. Regularly check taps/faucets, toilets, and pipes for any leaks and have them repaired promptly to prevent water wastage.

Collecting rainwater is another sustainable practice that can be utilised for watering plants and gardens. Consider setting up a rainwater harvesting system to capture and store rainwater. This water can then be used for outdoor irrigation, reducing the reliance on tap water for gardening purposes. Rainwater is free from chemicals and additives found in tap water, making it an excellent natural resource for nurturing your plants while at the same time conserving water.

Saving water

Simple habits such as turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing dishes can save a significant amount of water over time. These small actions may seem insignificant individually, but when practiced consistently, they add up to substantial water savings.

Additionally, consider installing water-saving devices in your home, such as low-flow showerheads and taps. These fixtures are designed to minimise water flow without compromising on performance, allowing you to use less water without sacrificing comfort. By upgrading your bathroom and kitchen fixtures with water-efficient alternatives, you can make a substantial difference in reducing water consumption.

Educating yourself and your family about the importance of water conservation is key to fostering a water-conscious mindset. Share these practices with your household members and encourage everyone to be mindful of their water usage. By creating a culture of water conservation within your home, you not only contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle but also set an example for others in the community.

Learn more about water-saving hacks.


Spain has been at the forefront of eco-tourism since the early nineties, demonstrating its commitment to advancing its energy-progressive standing. As a result, the country has emerged as a significant player in renewable energy, particularly wind power. With its vast hillsides, most notably in La Mancha and other Spanish regions, Spain now ranks as the fourth-largest producer of wind power globally, creating a landscape reminiscent of Don Quixote's adventures with its abundant windmills.

For eco-conscious travellers, Spain offers a plethora of opportunities to engage in sustainable tourism activities. Whether you're seeking a cycling tour through the picturesque landscapes of Andalusia, volunteering on an organic farm to support sustainable agriculture, or contributing to the conservation of endangered wildlife, there are countless ways to make a positive impact on the country while immersing yourself in its natural beauty.

Embarking on a cycling tour of Andalusia allows you to experience Spain's stunning scenery firsthand while minimising your carbon footprint. Pedal through picturesque countryside, charming villages, and historic landmarks, all while enjoying the fresh air and tranquillity of the surroundings. This eco-friendly mode of transportation not only reduces carbon emissions but also provides a unique and immersive travel experience.

For those passionate about sustainable agriculture, volunteering on an organic farm is an excellent way to support Spain's thriving organic movement. Engage in activities such as planting, harvesting, and tending to crops using environmentally friendly practices. Not only will you gain insight into sustainable farming methods, but you'll also contribute to the preservation of fertile soil, biodiversity, and the overall health of the ecosystem.

Spain's diverse ecosystems are home to numerous endangered species, making wildlife conservation an important aspect of the country's environmental efforts. Get involved in conservation programs that focus on protecting endangered wildlife, such as sea turtles, Iberian lynx, or migratory birds. By participating in these initiatives, you actively contribute to preserving Spain's biodiversity and safeguarding the delicate balance of its ecosystems.

Additionally, you can support local communities and initiatives dedicated to sustainable tourism practices. Opt for accommodations that prioritise sustainability, such as eco-lodges or hotels with green certifications. Engage in responsible tourism activities that respect the environment and the local culture. Explore protected areas, national parks, and nature reserves, and learn about the unique flora and fauna that inhabit these regions.

By choosing ecotourism activities in Spain, you not only have the opportunity to witness the country's natural beauty but also actively contribute to its environmental preservation. These sustainable tourism experiences allow you to support renewable energy development, conserve biodiversity, promote organic farming, and engage in responsible travel practices.

Sustainable Transportation

Transportation plays a pivotal role in carbon emissions, making it crucial for eco-conscious individuals to embrace sustainable transportation options in Spain. The country boasts an efficient public transportation system, offering an array of eco-friendly alternatives to private vehicles. Trains, buses, and metros are reliable and well-connected, making them ideal choices for both daily commuting and exploring the country's diverse regions. By opting for public transport, you not only reduce your carbon footprint but also contribute to alleviating traffic congestion and improving air quality.

For shorter distances, consider the environmentally friendly options of walking or cycling. Spain's pleasant climate, combined with its bike-friendly cities, creates an ideal environment for embracing these sustainable modes of transportation. Take advantage of dedicated bike lanes, bike-sharing programs, and scenic pathways to navigate urban areas or explore picturesque landscapes at a leisurely pace. Walking and cycling not only minimise greenhouse gas emissions but also promote an active and healthier lifestyle.

To further enhance your sustainable transportation practices, familiarise yourself with Spain's growing network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. EVs are an increasingly popular and eco-friendly alternative to traditional petrol or diesel cars. Many cities and towns in Spain provide charging infrastructure, allowing EV owners to conveniently recharge their vehicles and contribute to the reduction of air pollution.

EV Charging 

The Spanish government recently introduced its MOVES III plan where drivers can get 9,000 Euros off the price of a new electric vehicle.

Additionally, consider joining carpooling initiatives or ride-sharing platforms to optimise transportation efficiency and reduce the number of individual vehicles on the road. Sharing rides not only lowers carbon emissions but also helps build a sense of community and encourages social interactions among like-minded individuals.

When planning your travel itinerary, prioritise destinations that are easily accessible by sustainable transportation options. Opt for accommodations located near public transport hubs or in pedestrian-friendly areas to minimise the need for private vehicles during your stay.

By making conscious choices regarding transportation, you can actively participate in Spain's efforts to build a greener and more sustainable future.

Community Initiatives

Engaging in community initiatives is a powerful way for expats to actively contribute to sustainable living in Spain. Across the country, numerous cities and towns have local organisations and groups dedicated to environmental causes, offering an opportunity for expats to get involved and make a positive impact.

By joining these community initiatives, expats have the chance to collaborate with like-minded individuals who share a passion for sustainability. Together, they can work on various projects and activities that promote environmental conservation and create a greener future. Participating in community clean-up events allows expats to contribute to keeping their neighbourhoods and surrounding areas clean and free of litter, while supporting local sustainability projects helps drive positive change on a larger scale.

One way to get involved is through tree planting campaigns. Many communities organise tree planting initiatives to restore and expand green spaces, combat deforestation, and enhance biodiversity. By actively participating in these campaigns, expats can contribute to the reforestation efforts in Spain and leave a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship.

Neighbourhood composting programs are another avenue for expats to make a difference. These programs focus on recycling organic waste and turning it into nutrient-rich compost, which can be used to enrich soil and support sustainable gardening practices. By participating in composting initiatives, expats can divert organic waste from landfills and contribute to the creation of a circular economy.

Educational workshops on environmental conservation offer valuable learning opportunities for expats to expand their knowledge and skills in sustainable practices. These workshops cover a wide range of topics, including waste reduction, energy efficiency, water conservation, and eco-friendly gardening. By attending these workshops, expats can gain practical insights and implement sustainable habits in their daily lives.

Engaging in community-driven initiatives not only benefits the environment but also fosters a sense of belonging and connection with the local community. By actively participating, expats have the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share their values and aspirations for a sustainable future. Collaborating with the community not only amplifies individual efforts but also inspires others to embrace sustainable practices and contribute to the collective goal of building a greener and more resilient Spain.